Jesus was clearly implying that the story of Jonah was literally true

A spiritual adulterer is one who brings a worldly mindset into the church to wrestle with the scriptures, deceitfully enticing men and women away from the faith. Jesus appealed to the book of Jonah which the world ridicules as being a story too fantastic to be true. The only sign given to a worldly person will be the sign of the prophet Jonah who spent three days and three nights in the belly of a whale - Jesus was talking about Himself and His three days in the grave before the resurrection.  Jesus was clearly implying that the story of Jonah was literally true.

Jesus also referred to Noah when the whole world was swept away by the Flood, and that it will happen again - only this time by fire not by water, according to the apostle Peter.

Did Jesus ever question the Old Testament scriptures? Did He ever say, ''Oh, by the way - Moses and other writers got a few things wrong. I have come to correct the scriptures because, in their zeal, the prophets dumbed it down and simplified some of it too much for your sake. They thought that you just didn't know enough about science yet. Future generations will understand where Moses and the others got it all wrong'.

He said no such things, did He? Instead, He verified the written word at every opportunity! Even to Satan three times,  when He was tempted in the wilderness. The apostle Peter had no qualms stating that a dumb ass spoke with a man's voice to show Balaam the prophet his madness (2 Peter 2:16). Balaam, who betrayed Israel, came to a sad end and was eventually killed by the Israelites. We ought to walk carefully before God and not despise the Old Testament accounts for God will hold us to account for the very words we have spoken. Betrayal and adultery is the same.



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